Best Foods for Diabetics

Diabetics in the world is on the rise, for that I appeal to people with diabetes or who have not been detected or healthy maasih I hope provides a balanced intake for your body there are some of the best food for diabetics, according to some articles I get on online sources.

Best Foods for Diabetics

Nuts - Nuts

You can consume meals made from dried beans and fresh as chickpeas, beans, or dried beans such as kidney beans contain high-quality complex carbohydrates, protein as well, which helps stabilize blood sugar blood, and helps you feel full longer. and of course the evil fat free.


Fish intent here is fresh fish obtained from land or freshwater fish and saltwater fish, tuna and salmon catfish, carp, and other fish are brought great for your protein intake. You can cook fish with grilling and add some complex carbs to eat, like almost all vegetables, beans, or nuts. the idea of combining fish with carbohydrates is to balance your diet and keep blood sugar levels to rise.

Foods rich in magnesium

What are some foods that are rich in magnesium? or why it should take that Akaya magnesium? This is because there is a medical research of Harvard University said that the recommended daily intake of magnesium is about (400 mg for men and 350 mg for women) because it will reduce the risk of diabetes by 33%. Foods that contain magnesium, namely, almonds, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and bananas.

Maybe Best Foods for Diabetics it just that I present here for more information for you to continue to maintain health and keep the intake of food is always balanced and not too much, because it is something that was not excessive either.

One else remains the best food for diabetics are: Avocado why?

That's because there is a medical research has reported that a diet high in unsaturated fat and low in simple carbohydrates can improve insulin sensitivity. Monounsaturated fats can also improve heart health, which is a very important benefit for people with diabetes, complications of diabetes are at risk of contracting.

