Medicinal Plants and Their Use For Hepatitis C

In this era of globalization, many pharmaceutical companies are developing medicinal plants as raw materials for the drug to be mass-produced, to be ready to consume herbal medicine and is used to treat the disease.

The following medicinal plants that can be used to treat hepatitis C, namely, medicinal plants Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) this would be a patent drugs to treat hepatitis C, is also under study.

Hepatitis C is an inflammatory disease of the liver cells caused by a viral infection, Hepatitis C is a chronic disease but still can be cured with medication. medicinal plants crown god does have a content of alkaloid compounds, is detoxification which can neutralize toxins in the body. Saponins, efficacious as a source of anti-bacterial and anti-virus, boost your immune system, increases the vitality of men, reduces blood sugar levels in the body and reduce blood clotting. Flavonoids in fruits Crown gods medicinal plants useful for improving blood circulation throughout the body and prevents clogging of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and the accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels, reduce the levels of risk of coronary heart disease, this medicinal plant also contains anti-inflammatory, anti- oxidants, and help reduce the pain if there is bleeding or swelling. Crown gods Polyphenols act as anti-histamine or allergies.

In addition to hepatitis C crown gods are also useful for treating other diseases, namely:

for disease Eczema and itching, Inhibits growth of tumor cells and cancer. treat diabetes mellitus. Fruit and rind of the gods crown medicinal plants contains potent antioxidants that are beneficial boost the immune system, treat rheumatism and gout, reduce pain when there is bleeding or swelling, lower cholesterol levels in the body, treating dysentery, get rid of acne on the face.
