Medicinal Plants and Their Uses Olive trees with the Latin name Olea Europaea, this tree is a herbaceous plant which can grow up to thousands of years of proven by the discovery of an olive tree in 2,000 years in Palestine.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Lamiales
Family : Oleaceae
Genus : Olea
Species : O. europaea
Binomial name : Olea europaea L.
Olive oil has been known to the world because the properties that it has no doubt, in addition to health can also be used for cosmetic ingredients as well as for farfum. The olive tree is often used fruit to be used olive oil. Which is now produced by several companies to be traded olive oil in order to be used directly or as a raw material for medicine and cosmetics.
The characteristics of the olive crop
- Growing as shrubs
- Bell-shaped flowers
- Unisexual
- The fruit in the form of stone fruit with seed
- Single Leaf
- Grows in temperate and hot
- Most can be found in Asia and the Mediterranean region
Benefits of Olive Oil
Muslims may not be familiar with the name of olive oil even if it is never consumed directly because the Qur'an mentions in Surah An-Nuur Verse: 35
God He will say: "that is lit with oil from a blessed tree, namely (tree) olive growing is not on the east nor in the west, whose oil just barely illuminating, though no fire touched".
Word above explains that olive oil is a special oil, and olive oil is the oil is now very popular in the world. With some of the properties, namely:
Launched the body's metabolism
By eating olives ½ cup each day will launch the body's metabolism, and can quickly burn saturated fat in our body and prevent the sugar is converted into fat.
as Antioxidants
The olives have a vitamin E that can prevent damage to the cells that trigger cancer. Contains polyphenols that prevent and counteract the free radicals in our bodies, evidenced by a study by Prof. Dimitros Trichopoulus, of the Harvard School of Public Health in the US are investigating the consumption of olive oil with the growth of breast cancer. The study found that women who consume olive oil more than once in a day have a chance of getting breast cancer is 25% lower than women who consumed less olive oil.
Nourish Hair
Because it contains a lot of vitamin E, which is often smeared hair olive oil hair will grow faster and look beautiful and black and prevent the growth of gray hair in the hair.
Improve Blood Circulation
Helpful to eliminate and destroy toxins in the body (detoxification). By consuming olive oil directly or mixed with other foods everyday, eg mixed in salads.
Smooth Skin
Olive oil is used for cosmetics is a natural thing and it has long been believed to beauty, and it is believed that olive oil adds youthful skin. This is how to use olive oil for skin menhaluskan:
The trick is olive oil evenly throughout the body smeared with a little massage before bath, is to stretch the muscles under the skin to tighten and look younger and fresher.
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