Influenza is a disease that is usually attacks the human body, and contagious diseases, we usually consider this a trivial disease. this time we have to change the habits of influenza disease underestimate this because it can also harm if not quickly addressed, immediately consult a doctor and treated with several medications that are on the market and naturally.
I try to split influenza overcome the natural way is using the herbs and fruits and may juag spices in the kitchen.
Some cases of influenza that this disease is contagious when the direct contact with the patient or not influenza. ifluenza disease caused by:
- Drought system / heater body is not functioning properly,
- Frozen body protein and settles in the joints
- Lung cells contaminated with carbon monoxide and no moist behkan submerged in water so that oxygen intake is reduced.
Here I try to share tips natural treatment with medicinal plants that may occur around you and obtained easily.
Treating influenza wear lemon and honey

Treating influenza with herbs is ginger
way is to take one section and grated ginger until smooth mixed with water after it boiled and mix sugar or palm sugar to taste, because ginger contains essential oils are quite a lot so it can warm the body and can dilute phlegm caused by influenza.
Other tips is to drink plenty of mineral water is avoided in case of dehydration when you hit fever. and try to eat hot soup, this will help to supply intake is essential to the body, you also can make fruit juice because it can help the intake of vitamins needed by the body, especially vitamin C.
To keep the body that are not exposed to influenza is consuming lots of lemon juice every day because lemon is a natural way to prevent the flu virus and viral infections such as colds and coughs, lemon juice can also mebilas toxins in the body. lemon juice contains vitamin C which has a lot of that can strengthen the immune system.
Hopefully tips and useful ways that have been submitted for all of you who read this article.
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