Medicinal Plants and Their Uses for Healthy Hair

Aloe Vera

Medicinal plants are believed to maintain healthy hair is none other than the Aloe vera plant is already well known to support healthy hair, and it has been used for hair health products as drugs and shampoo mixture. Aloe vera has been widely cultivated in several countries in a heat valve, can also be grown in pots in the yard, aloe vera contains barbolin, isobarbaloin, beta-barbaloin, and resin. Which is believed to address the health of the hair because they contain vitamin E as well.

Here herb for aloe vera for hair health:

Take one stem of aloe vera that is old, then slice spines and the outer skin to the lymph meat in it, knead the flesh of aloe vera and try to Kulis head rub evenly, and then wrap with a clean towel approximately 30 minutes, then rinse with a shower, and both are used in the afternoon.


Plant spinach this one is not only herbs, but it is well known by the world that spinach is a vegetable crop, widely grown in the yard of the house, gardens and roadsides. spinach with the Latin name Amaranthus hybridus besides containing potassium, spinach also contains protein, fat, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, and C. For spinach because it is good for the consumption of vegetables because it contains some substances that are good for the human body . But watch out for the spinach-eating spinach when it has warmed a few times will remove toxins, because the substances carried by the spinach will disintegrate and turn into toxins that can cause indigestion and possible allergies.

I try to present the potion that will be useful for the health of your hair:

Take half a handful of spinach plainly washed and finely minced or crushed into powder, add one cup of boiled water and a tablespoon of honey. After that squeezed and filtered. Try to drink three times a day, once drank half a cup.

Eclipta Prostrata Leaf

Plants urang-aring the Latin name Eclipta prostrata, yet most widely cultivated and grows wild in fields or riverbanks. These herbs are classified as herbaceous plants, up to 60 cm high.

The leaves are single, ovate, alternate face, pointy leaf tips, edges serrated, pinnate reinforcement, with the green color, and can be eaten as a vegetable. The flowers are white, somewhat unpleasant smell, fruit boelau-round, black. The content is very striking in plants urang-aring is nikotina.

I try to present the traditional ingredients below:

A handheld leaf-aring urang washed and crushed or ground smooth. Then kneaded with lukewarm water mixed with about 2 cups, and filtered. Distillate placed outside the home, condensed at night. Later in the afternoon after a bath is used to wet hair and massage the scalp with in-massage. Wrap a clean disposable towel until tomorrow morning.

Hopefully I've given herb can be useful for those of you who read my writing. Hopefully the other day I can share the other ingredients for you all.
