
Medicinal Plants and Their Uses - Turmeric

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Curcuma
Species: C. longa
Binomial name: Curcuma longa

Turmeric or "Kunir" is a herb native to Southeast Asia region, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and spread to Africa and Australia. Shaped like ginger and have bulbs that gather. In its place of origin in Southeast Asia ordinary people using turmeric as a spice and herbal medicine, which is very famous in Indonesia, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian region, and has spread across Africa and Australia.
Turmeric Curcuma Longa Latin name belongs to the group Zingiberaceae.

Chemical Content of Turmeric
Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called kurkuminoid consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin much as 10% and as much as 1-5% bisdesmetoksikurkumin and beneficial substances such as essential oils are composed of sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% zingiberen , felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contain as much as 1 -3% Fat, Carbohydrates as much as 3%, Protein 30%, 8% Starch, Vitamin C is 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and calcium. (www.wikipedia.org)

Benefits and Usefulness for Treatment
Turmeric is believed to cool the body, cleanse, affecting the abdomen Especially in the stomach, stimulates, releasing excess gas in the intestine, stop bleeding and prevent blood clots. Besides many other turmeric benefits are: used as an anti-itch, anti-septic and anti-seizure and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

The main content of turmeric is curcumin and essential oils which serves for the treatment of hepatitis, antioxidants, digestive disorders, anti-microbial, anti-cholesterol, anti-HIV, anti-tumor (induced apostosis), inhibits the growth of breast tumor cells, inhibits tumor cell proliferation in the colon, anti invasion, anti-rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism) .Diabetes mellitus, Typhoid, appendix, dysentery, leucorrhea Hospital; Menstruation is not smooth, stomach heartburn during menstruation, Streamlining the milk; Tonsils, mucous stools, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken).

In addition to having efficacy for the treatment of turmeric also has other uses that as a spice seasoning food is very popular in the Southeast Asian region and also as a natural coloring, because of the strong yellow color, used by weavers to dye fabric.

Here are some benefits of turmeric:
- Turmeric helps heal wounds faster, as a natural antiseptic.
- Turmeric reduces the chances of getting cancer because it has anti-cancer properties.
- Turmeric contributes to cell growth and rejuvenate cells. This way, you can slow down the aging          process.
- Can detoxify harmful toxins and chemicals from your body.
- Arthritis can be cured with saffron because it contains anti-inflammatory.
- Turmeric can play an important role in preventing leukemia.
- Incorporating turmeric in your daily diet can help you boost your immunity level. Additionally it         also keeps you safe from various diseases.
- Turmeric is a spice that is ideal for you if you want to lose weight, because it can increase the             metabolism in your body, help you manage your weight effectively.
- Turmeric can heal pigmentation caused by sun exposure.
- Prevent aging process because they have antioxidant properties.
- As one of the components that help moisturize the skin and reduce dryness.
- Healing bruises and brighten burn scars.
- Cleaning the skin, make your skin glow, and bright color.
- Helps combat skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, and a red rash, also helps relieve stretch         marks or cellulite. (www.manfaatbuahdaun.blogspot.com)

home remedies by turmeric

Turmeric for fever: you can take 2 rows a turmeric, and be shredded add water approximately 200 ml, and then filtered water with a clean cloth. after that you can drink 2 times a day.

turmeric for beauty, especially for slimming belly fat, how?

You can mix turmeric in order to lose weight and slimming distended abdomen to look more attractive and increase your confidence during the move. some potion made from turmeric, namely:

You can take one vertebra turmeric for thumb kept finely mashed or you can blend until smooth, then you mix 2 cups of water about 400ml, boil water before turmeric mixture to a boil, once boiling water, leaving approximately 1 cup of water you mix acid made of lime and extra brown sugar (sugar) to taste. You can drink this concoction once a day.

Herb turmeric to treat diarrhea

You can create home remedies for diarrhea with turmeric 1 sliced finger kept mixed with water to 200 ml, boil water and turmeric until boiling then you mix 1 teaspoon of whiting and stir until evenly, let stand until cool filtered water. You can drink the water of the herb turmeric 3 times a day until healed.

Home remedies for Treating Inflammation by turmeric Tonsils

You can use your ½ grated turmeric fingers then shredded or you can puree in blender or can also be sliced, then add 2 tablespoons of water or enough water so that the buffer squeezed, squeezed the water before you stir until blended first, then squeeze and grab water. to be consumed for the treatment of tonsillitis prepare also one chicken egg yolk and a little water whiting. Beat the mixture with lemon saffron, you can take 1 to 2 times a day if you do not like the taste you may add honey to taste.

Turmeric to overcome body odor

Turmeric is a plant that has a maximal efficacy sufficient to overcome body odor, some of the following herbs you can try as home remedies and fairly easy to implement, among others, prepare 2 turmeric rhizome thumb clean up first and then grated or mashed in a blender and mix 2/3 wear boiled water first palm sugar has been added. filtered water from the mixture of these materials. you can drink 1 time a day before bedtime.

Turmeric benefits for skin health

Turmeric can to polish your skin so you look fresher and more beautiful for women, namely how to prepare the following materials 100 grams of fresh turmeric, lemon juice 100ml, 1 ½ tablespoons of honey, and enough water . how to make your first saffron puree and mix just enough water so that the juice can saffron, turmeric juice mixed with honey and lemon juice and mix had enough water. regularly drink the potion on the morning after breakfast. I hope this information is useful for those of you who dream of healthy skin.
