Home Remedies for Get Rid of Acne

Home remedies for acne can be done with herbs or ingredients that you think might be affordable and very easy to be found in the area around you. some medicinal plants and fruits that can help eliminate acne problems on your face, namely:

Medicinal Plants Papaya for acne
Papaya which has the Latin name Carica papaya L. It has been used for the treatment lam naturally by the community since the 15th century, the medicinal plant of Mexico is indeed contain some compounds that are effective for combating acne and good for skin care, especially for women.

How to use papaya for acne
Take a papaya fruit taste and refined in a way in mashed or blender until smooth, then mix with honey to taste stir until evenly, after stirring with subsequent average dilulurkan to face thoroughly, wait about 20 minutes before rinsing with water and wipe using a cloth towel smooth.

Medicinal Plants Aloe Vera for remove acne scars
In addition to hair health efficacious aloe vera can also be used to remove acne scars on the face of our tablets, how? Try to see the text below:

Take the midrib aloe vera, to be in the puree with the way in mashed or in a blender. If you do not have time to soften you can directly remove the skin aloe vera take enough meat lymph continues to smear the meat aloe vera to your face evenly and thoroughly to the surface of your face, let sit a few minutes about 1-2 minutes continue to rinse with water clean.

Above are some ways that you might be able to do at home as home remedies are quite effective and efficient in dealing with your acne, good luck. maybe on another occasion I will discuss further some of the treatments that are beneficial to your home.
