Medicinal plants and their use that this time I will review is the sage leaves, shrubs is efficacious for health and healing some diseases. This medicinal plants can be found in the region of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, which has a lot to know the efficacy of these medicinal plants to cure some diseases by gathering plants and mixed with honey.
This medicinal plant is known saga of propagation of the Latin name Abrus precatorius, with vines growing on other trees or deliberately planted to decorate the fence, green leaves with a shape that resembles a tamarind tree leaves or plants shy daughter. have red beans and black on the ends that resemble eyeballs, and indeed saga seed propagation is widely used to craft dolls used for eyes on the doll.
scientific classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Fabales
Family : Fabaceae
Upafamili : Faboideae
Nation : Abreae
Genus : Abrus
Species : A. precatorius
Binomial name : Abrus precatorius L.
Some who know the saga propagation of medicinal plants can be used and utilized for healing as a herbal home remedies, which is easy to do at home with some mixture of other medicinal plants for use as a home remedy:
Thyroid Medication
Medicinal plants and the use of sage leaves and roots can be used for home remedies for tonsil by taking a handful of sage leaves and roots of the segment after washing with clean water, then boiled along with 4 cups water to a boil add rock sugar to taste, leaving approxi- suppose to ½ cup, after the lift was boiled sage leaves vines and drain, let stand until cool and then strain the water, after which it can be taken in the morning and afternoon. This herb can only be used for one-time only boiled sage leaves vines last dregs should you dispose of or you can take advantage of organic fertilizer your plants.
Thrush Medicine
Medicinal plants and their use for thrush enough vines picking sage leaves and let stand a few strands until wilted enough, then wash with clean water after chewing and creamed directly with your mouth until smooth, and enough to rinse his mouth and not to be swallowed. fairly easy to do instead ?, hopefully you speedy recovery thrush.
Heartburn Medicine
Take 15 petiole propagation saga then wash with clean water mix with 2 cups water and boil until boiling and boiling water evaporates and leaves approximately ½ cup, then drain the cooking water was filtered and taken once a day, you can tation cooking water drink once a day.
Medicinal plants and vines to use sage leaves home remedies can also heal dry cough and bronchitis disease drug. for the good you can add an extra honey on this ingredient because honey is someone antioxidants are good enough to be used in a mixture of herb sage leaves vines.
Good reviews and the use of medicinal plants sage leaves vines are reviewed above can help you add information about herbal remedies are efficacious for the disease you have. get well for those of you who are still trying to find an alternative treatment. natural treatment is a pretty good alternative for reducing the risk of side effects of chemical drugs.
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