Some medicinal plants for get rid of scars that are already provided by nature, you can use live utilization for home treatment or to be produced as extracts for treatment that are accessible by the public, or in other words can be consumed by many people. some plants that might be able to get rid of scars inflicted by the skin tissue, among others:
You can take advantage of garlic as a reliever scars on the skin in a way, take some segments of garlic, just enough to be able to cover your scars will heal, mashed halu or be in a blender until smooth after it stayed in the paste on your scar evenly let stand until dry, after dries you rinse with warm water. could try a few times a week or you may wear once in shari regularly until scar obscured.
You might ask why garlic can get rid the scars? because garlic has anti-proliferation, which might suppress the growth of collagen.
Noni Juice
Which further medicinal plants that can get rid the scar is a medicinal plant noni, noni juice you can make to be able to get rid of scars by making fruit juice noni noni juice but here is not to be consumed because chances are you will not like the taste strange, juice noni has been made and prepare a towel and soak the towel wearing noni juice before it got wet, after you wet glue on the scar to dry, after which you should rinse and clean it with warm water.
The next namely cucumbers, vegetables turned out great for removing scars, cucumbers can you destroy or can puree in blender then apply on the scars on the blackened skin, let stand until dry and then rinse with warm water. you can do it regularly as home remedies to remove scars.
possibility of many medicinal plants that can get rid the scars out there. If you have thoughts about it you can share here by writing your comment. I hope I've made this article can help you.
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