Home remedies for high blood pressure, high blood pressure disease is closely associated with blood vessel health problems, due to the vascular system such as the following factors, namely: the presence of fat or cholesterol hardening thus becoming clogged arteries inhibit blood vessel, this would have an impact on heart health to be able to pump more blood to the extra hard that blood vessels, so blood pressure is increased.
Here I will try to discuss some of the herbs that you can use as home remedies for high blood pressure, so it can prevent up to treat your high blood pressure.
For patients with high blood pressure certainly many require medications to lower blood pressure to return to normal as before. by consuming chemical drugs are constantly also not good for your health because of possible side effects on the use of chemical drugs in the long term.
Therefore, I am here trying to discuss about home remedies for high blood pressure, you can try medicines natural alternative to be able to cope with high blood pressure and can be done as home remedies for high blood pressure that cost is also quite affordable.
Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Some natural medicinal plants that contain properties reduce or even cure disease high blood pressure, if taken correctly and regularly, including:
Leaves Greeting (Syzygium polyanthum)
Efficacy: lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, high sugar levels in the blood.
How you can use it as a home remedies for high blood pressure, how to use that you take a fresh bay leaf of approximately 10 sheets, after it leaves washed with running water or with water, and then the bay leaves you boiled in 3 cups water to the remaining 1 cup. Allow to cool, then filtered water as it can be taken once at night. Perform routine every day to get good results and satisfactory.
Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Benefits: normalize blood pressure, high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.
Seaweed is easily found in supermarkets famous. You can make seaweed into delicious food in the daily diet to keep the heart healthy and lowering cholesterol to normalize blood pressure. This is quite easy to use as a home remedies for high blood pressure, because you can consume as a daily food in a mixture of vegetables or other home cooking very healthy, like soup.
Benefits: reducing high blood pressure because they contain high potassium, are also useful to reduce kidney stones. how to use quite consumed directly (as fresh vegetables), or it can also make cucumber juice, you also add other fruits in cucumber juice, cucumber composition provided that more than any other fruit.
Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Efficacy: lowering high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels.
You can pick the ripe noni fruit to use home remedies for high blood pressure, the ripe noni fruit kept in a blender, take the water by means of filtered, then the noni water mixed with honey to taste and drink on every morning before breakfast.
Efficacy: lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroying blood clots.
How to use as a home remedies for high blood pressure:
By taking 3 cloves fresh garlic, then peel and wash them clean, mash until smooth, or you can blend, then squeezed the water added to taste, then drink the water. You can drink this potion regularly in 3 times a day.
That some medicinal plants that I can give to treat high blood pressure, I discussed this as home remedies for high blood pressure, which can do at home are cheap and absolute sukup to be done at home as home remedies for high blood pressure naturally. above some medicinal plants has been discussed in the last article. many herbs are powerful enough to be able to overcome some diseases.
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