Dragon fruit and its usefulness for health and treatment for cancer, dragon fruit Hylocereus polrhizus with the scientific name, is a fruit that comes from America, but can survive well in the tropics, so now many tropical countries into this dragon fruit farmers, who indeed efficacious as an antidote to free radicals that harm the body.
Dragon Friut and Usefulness
In the tropics or in countries with tropical fruits are used as dragon fruit to complement the fruit soup mix, which is commonly traded on the roadside and several cafes in Indonesia. the benefits are very much able to ward off free radicals and may prevent cancer cells spread in your body will certainly add to the marketability and increase the consumer to be able to consume safely with good taste anyway.
Dragon fruit in addition to their role for free radicals to prevent cancer and it can also prevent osteoporosis because of dragon fruit also contains calcium and phosphorus are sufficient to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. besides the dragon fruit also contains vitamin C which is of course much that counteract free radicals into our bodies, more content is good for our body like fiber that can lower your weight, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, which contribute to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, coughing and hypertension, and can lower blood sugar levels.
May thus review on fruit nagadan usefulness for health and can also be used as a treatment at home, in addition to taste fresh proved beneficial for the body and our health, praise God with Nature's Creating and its contents that contain a lot of benefits, we must be grateful.
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