Some Medicinal Plants and their uses for beauty and you can do it by tou home, of which will be discused bellow:
Turmeric (Curcuma domesticaerhizoma)
Turmeric is a plant rhizomes or tubers are nutritious into many medicinal plants that contain essential oils, sikloiserin, mirsen, metal farbinol, d.kamper, and curcumin. The content of antioxidants and are contained in the yellow color of turmeric to be one of the properties for health and beauty. As a beauty and cosmetic ingredients, turmeric has been known for generations that are used by the Daughters of the palace in Indonesia in order to care for her beauty.
Turmeric contains curcumin as well as the
antioxidants are very effective to keep beauty, smooth the skin, reduce odor,
keep your body slim and smooth out when coming month (menstruation). Medicinal
plants can also be used as a beauty mask and body scrub, make a fresh body and
face brightened, for the use of turmeric is still young so that the color
yellow is not too thick.
How to use medicinal plants (turmeric) to mask
The use of turmeric to the mask by means of
grated turmeric, then dried and mix with the rice flour, lime juice or avocado,
spread on your face every evening bath, the skin will be smooth and soft face.
Other benefits of turmeric is able to treat eczema and scabies, even when it is
made into an ointment can be used to treat wounds.
Aloe vera (aloe vera)
Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that is
quite popular in the community known as a medicinal plant in addition to the
beauty of this plant can also be used as a refreshing drink, the content of
this medicinal plant contains about 72 substances the body needs, such as amino
acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and
substances drug classes such as lignin, saponins, anthraquinone compounds 144,
quinone compounds, and sugars.
In terms of skin care is efficacious
medicinal plants to stimulate the growth of new cells in the skin, aloe vera
can remove scars skin burns, lignin-containing substances that can penetrate
and soak into the skin. This will keep mucus fluid loss from the skin surface.
The result is skin does not dry quickly and keep it moist so it looks younger.
To smooth the skin, aloe vera is used as a mask dough mixture, is due to
saponins are efficacious for cleansing and antiseptic.
Cananga flowers
Medicinal plants this one which includes
ornamental plants that have to do a fragrant smell, cananga- cananga oil
containing that gives fragrance in the body. Cananga oil is an essential oil
for use in cosmetic raw materials that can help reduce aging lines, stimulate
new cell, overcoming rough skin due to too many cosmetics, and cope with oily
skin. Oil memories are a source of vitamin E, which is able to provide
protection from ultraviolet radiation emitted as one of the causes of skin
How to treatment using these herbs are:
finely crushed 5 ylang flowers, 5 knuckle rhizome Intersection dribbles and a
kaffir lime peel fruit. Strain then squeeze. The water apply on face and leave
a few minutes.
Tomatoes are one of the plants that we use
in the kitchen day to day for seasoning or already used as a sauce, tomatoes
contain beta carotene and lycopene which is an antioxidant and pre-vitamin A,
which has a property to smooth the skin and treat acne.
For the purposes of facial treatments, by
the way tomatoes are washed, cut into 4 pieces and then spread to the face, let
it dry and then rinse with warm water.
For daily maintenance, deep red tomatoes
and the water squeezed spread to the face, the face will feel fresh and smooth.
Celery in terms of beauty care is to
overcome oily skin. Way, take some finely sliced celery continues, put in a
bowl of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Store in the refrigerator so that
the substances contained in it is not damaged. At night, the celery slices
spread to the face, then rinse with warm water.
Sari cucumber
These plants become efficacious medicinal plants for beauty because it contains zaponin, protein, calcium, phosphate salts, vitamin B and vitamin C. Sari cucumber commonly used as a cleaning fluid, because it contains saponins have a pretty good cleaning power. Cucumber juice is very good for oily skin, sensitive skin and skin to cool the burning point. Cucumber juice is used as a refresher (astringent). Cucumber juice is also efficacious to foster and whiten the skin.
further medicinal plants that can be used to make the women you will be more confident with your natural beauty for a touch of natural herbs as well. medicinal plants for the next beauty is
Olive Oil
Olive oil is an extract of the medicinal plant olive oil taken to be used for can be consumed as raw material beauty and raw material medicines. olive oil for facial beauty can usually be mixed with a face mask because olive oil has a great antioxidant for the skin, in addition to the face can also be for the benefit of others, namely for hair health by means of a few drops of olive oil to taste after shampooing. after that you can wrap around and cover her hair with a towel for a few minutes about 20 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water until clean. This method would be suitable for those who have dry hair.
to the attention of those who have oily face may not be suitable for use olive oil can be used directly to the face, because it is likely to be at risk.
Medicinal plants for the next beauty is bengkoang fruit thrives in mainland Asia that this plant is a rich source of protein as well as oil seeds are often used in various industries. tropical medicinal plant that is often enjoyed as a ruzak servings of fruit and of course beauty ingredient for skin whitening agent in cosmetics beauty of women, such as face masks and scrubs. The content of the medicinal plants which are now widely recognized by those that contain vitamins and minerals in it. But did you know that bengkoang efficacious in curing ulcers and cure drug addiction. Bengkoang also contains isoflavones which are useful for inhibiting aging and prevent prostate cancer for men.
Medicinal plants for the next beauty is bengkoang fruit thrives in mainland Asia that this plant is a rich source of protein as well as oil seeds are often used in various industries. tropical medicinal plant that is often enjoyed as a ruzak servings of fruit and of course beauty ingredient for skin whitening agent in cosmetics beauty of women, such as face masks and scrubs. The content of the medicinal plants which are now widely recognized by those that contain vitamins and minerals in it. But did you know that bengkoang efficacious in curing ulcers and cure drug addiction. Bengkoang also contains isoflavones which are useful for inhibiting aging and prevent prostate cancer for men.
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