Jatropha is a traditional medicinal plant which is widely used by people preceding us to be able to cure some diseases naturally, jatropha can be used from the start of the leaves to the roots can be used as a natural treatment.
The content of Jatropha
Some of the compounds contained in the plant distance starting from the root, stem, sap, leaves to seeds:
Medicinal Plant sap Jatropha: contains flavonoids and saponins and jatrophie content that is antifungal.
Leaf Plant Jatropha: kaemfesterol containing compounds, sitosterol, stigmasterol, Amyrin and teraksrol.
While the seeds of medicinal plant called Jatropha Jatropha curcas L. scientifically proved β-glucanase-containing compounds which have antifungal activity, toksalbumin and curcin that not only has activity as an antifungal, but the chemical content is also useful as an anti-cancer (Ditjenbun 2007 ).
Dregs of Castor Seeds that have been squeezed oil containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Leather Trunk Jatropha contains tannins, night, resins and saponins.
Benefits of Medicinal Plants of Jatropha for Health
Whitish the baby's tongue, Treating inflammation of the ear, tooth decay Pain Drugs, Drug Sprue Stomach Bloating and Sign wind, Difficult Chapter, ulceration, Mushrooms, and itching, ulcers and bleeding, Rheumatic Drugs, Treating cough and sputum dilute, Enlarge penis.
Here I will try to give you some of the traditional ingredients of a medicinal plant Jatropha, which is efficacious for natural medicines, as follows:
Jatropha for pain medication Cavities
Jatropha has a sap, sap Jatropha is an antimicrobial that can repel bacteria such as type of staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherechia coli and can be used to treat toothache due to cavities. how to? you enough to take the sap distance using cotton, then placed in cavities. you can try the miraculous times a day until it feels goodness or cured (Hariyono and Soenardi, 2005).
Jatropha for cough and sputum dilute
You can take advantage of the roots of medicinal plants to treat cough distance and dilute phlegm, by way of medicinal plants take root Jatropha taste and washed after the mix in 7 cups of water and boil until leaves 2 cups water, drinking water decoction of the root of the distance 3 times a day, you can use up to 3 times the root stew.
Probably quite umpteen may other times they will and a chance I would try more much again potions which can be you disposable as a treatment the home whose raw materials distance fence, hopefully this article can be beneficial.
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