This plant is named latin punica granatum with scientific classification as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Upakelas: Rosidae
Order: Myrtales
Family: Lythraceae
Genus: Punica
Species: P. granatum
Binomial name: Punica granatum L.
Synonyms: Punica malus Linnaeus,
Replicates the pomegranate usually wear root buds, grafts and cuttings. besides the fruit is often eaten it can also as a natural medicinal plants as well as in the Middle East this plant is often used for ornamental plants.
Benefits of Pomegranate Plants
Benefits that can be used are fruit, fruit seeds, and skin. people first believe that pomegranate is very efficacious for the treatment of skin inflammation.
Some of the following benefits:
Benefits of Pomegranate
Because the pomegranate is rich in natural antioxidants that can prevent the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. Pomegranate is also often used for weight loss, treat intestinal worms, canker sores, sore throat, hoarseness, high blood pressure (hypertension), frequent urination and flatulence.
The following ways to consume pomegranates for home treatment:
Frequent urination: you can take a pomegranate (fresh and ripe, the fruit) and a handful of chives, then cut into pieces as needed. Mix ingredients with water 3 cups was then boiled until the remaining half, remove and let stand until cool. Drink boiled water pomegranate with chives twice a day, in a single dose drink.
Thrush: for home remedies for thrush you can make potions with two fresh pomegranate fruit is ripe. Take the following content of the seeds, then puree with mashed or blended way. afterwards Add one cup water, stir thoroughly, then strain. Use water to rinse, then swallow. Do it 2-3 times a day, until the mouth ulcer healed.
Cough that has lasted a long time: you can use pomegranate for home remedies for cough in a way that is not overly ripe pomegranate can be said to be half cooked the way you chew the fruit and seeds on every night before bed, after chew seeded.
Hoarseness, sore throat: take a fresh pomegranate, cut, and then chew the fruit and remove the seeds. The way you can do 2-3 times a day.
Wormy: you can make pomegranate juice mixed with carrot juice, with each dose of half a glass after the drink as well. done this way until healed.
Pomegranate juice: pomegranate juice can cure canker sores, gingivitis, cavities in a way you gargle with pomegranate juice on every night before bed or in the morning, and can also be used as a compress on the drug being inflamed hemorrhoids.
Benefits of Pomegranate Rind
Benefits of pomegranate rind that can treat stomach pain caused by intestinal worms, stools containing blood and mucus (amoebic dysentery), chronic diarrhea, rectal bleeding such as bleeding hemorrhoids, vomiting blood, coughing up blood, uterine bleeding, rectal bleeding , rectal prolapse, strep throat, ear infections, vaginal discharge (leukorrhea), and abdominal pain.
Thus some of the benefits of pomegranates that I present, and the information obtained from online sources some websites, may be able to help you to be able to cure the disease and determine the efficacy of pomegranate and majesty of God who has created some of the plants to be able to be utilized as a medicinal plant and beneficial to human life.
At other times I will try to discuss other properties of pomegranates are to the health of pregnant women and the fetus as well as the usefulness of beauty. ok wait ...
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